"Hendaklah damai sejahtera Kristus memerintah dalam hatimu, karena untuk itulah kamu telah dipanggil menjadi satu tubuh. Dan bersyukurlah!" [Kolose 3:15]

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Permainan ini harus diakhiri

Im totally tired with all this things

im tired doing my skripsi. everyday when i was at d'office, its very hard for me to going home because i know... i have to finish all chapter. and now, im doing 1st chapter.

other thing is....

i wanna move fm Jakarta!

i promise to my self: once i got my bachelor degree...ill try my best to go out fm Jakarta and going aboard. ill looked for scholarship or working overseas... wherever can bring me out fm Indonesia.

i dont have any passion anymore here..... all things are kinda bullshit things for me.

even my parents take their high expectation on me.

other things is i dont trust in love. even a everbody-says-tht-he-is-a-goodboy saying "love", i dont even trust it. no more eros, only agape is make sense on me.

sometimes im feeling soooooooooo lonely.
but all i can do is keep silent and then im sleeping....hehhehehe and then eating....huahahhhahaa

aaahhhhh...what a happy life when you have a blog to share everything.

I tot tht this the first post in 2011. so.... i just wanna say THANK YOU.

I know that God will make a way...
maybe someday ill change my mind.... but i dont know. i just pray to our God and ask the best for me and Him.

Nice nite


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